Press Release to the Wall Street Journal


Press release 

Wall Street Journal the Middle East Correspondent, Rory Jones, in his e-mail dated December 15, 2023, sent to our company, in order to use it in a story they prepared to be published in the newspaper, He asks whether SADAT's supports HAMAS.

SADAT International Defense Consultancy Construction Industry and Trade Inc is a private company that provides strategic consultancy, special military training and logistics services to the armed forces and police departments of states. The company meticulously conducts all these services in compliance with international regulations. Therefore, our Company does not operate in conflict zones. The fundamental philosophy of our company is to contribute to the development in the fields of defense and defense industry cooperation by producing projects that support increase of capacity for maintaining a peaceful environment.

Focusing on WSJ's question after this general and summary information, it is beneficial to emphasize the following information clearly and concretely;

  1. Our company is not a public institution, it is an independent and private company subject to the Turkish Commercial Code, having its on decision-making and execution mechanism, not receiving orders or instructions from any position or authority.
  2. Our company or its officials have no direct or indirect contact with any lower or higher level HAMAS officials.
  3. Our company has not provided technical, tactical, material, or financial assistance to HAMAS, nor has it offered any services. The areas in which we have not provided services include, but are not limited to, strategic consulting, supply of weapons, ammunition, or systems, and any conceivable things like cash or in-kind assistance, transfers, etc.

On this occasion, in accordance with our humanitarian responsibility, we consider it our duty to share the following message with the U.S. and world public opinion through WSJ;

The "Immediate Humanitarian Ceasefire" resolution was adopted again on December 12, 2023, by the votes of 153 sensible countries at the UN General Assembly. The U.S. is leader of the 10 countries that voted against resolution and contributed to genocide. The only obstacle to stopping the massacre that amounts to genocide is the United States. The U.S. public opinion should immediately put a stop to the use of their taxes to support Israel, which is destroying the stability of the Middle East and dragging the whole world to drown in the Dead Sea Trench. #StopWar #StopSupportIsrael #ImmediateCeasfire


Respectfully announced to the public. 18/12/2023


SADAT Defense Inc.

Board of Directors

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