
  • Our denials against the slanders published on Oda TV on 29 June 2017 have not been published. The compensation lawsuit was filed against Oda TV, which is understood not to be among the moral values of impartial broadcasting principles.

  • Leftist and Kemalist minds, who perceive "armed training consultancy" as changing the constitutional order, have lost the mental balance and they are determined like the first day to destroy all kinds of discourses, actions and structures that belong to religion and religious people.

    A smear campaign has been launched recently against the International Defense Consultancy Construction Industry and Trade Company (SADAT) which is founded by Retired General Adnan Tanrıverdi, the former chief advisor to President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.

    With the operation led by the Cumhuriyet newspaper, there is such a big effort to highlight SADAT as an element that will "overthrow the constitutional order". Cumhuriyet newspaper carries out a perception operation by bringing the issue back to the agenda with interviews with Kemalists.

    1. Organized Crime Group Leader Sedat Peker, in a video he published; He confessed that he brought weapons under the name of aid to the Syrian Turkmens and that the aid he brought (!) was delivered to the Al-Nusra.
    2. In the same video, he confessed that he had committed a crime by admitting that he knew he had dispatched weapon.
    3. In the aforementioned video, he also claims that the weapons were given to him by members of SADAT!.
    4. While an unfounded (without evidence) claim does not go beyond just defamation, it is clear that some purposeful parties are pursuing the dream of leveling up the smear campaign that has been carried out against our company since 2012, by relying on a crime group leader.
    5. We expressly state on our website that we will operate in all matters within our ability to execute, which are registered in the Trade Registry Gazette, which is clearly stated in the Company's articles of association with the establishment of our company and which does not contradict the laws of the Republic of Türkiye and international legislation (also, it is 100% compatible with laws).
    6. In the fields that we publish and declare to operate with all clarity in our trade registry gazette and website, and other than that, it is not possible for our Company to work and cooperate with non-state actors.
    7. And yet, against a criminal group leader who was abroad as an outlaw, defaming our company with unfounded allegations and trying to be associated with this outlaw, with whom we have not had any contact until today; as always, to file a criminal complaint to investigate Sedat Peker's allegations in order to call for the esteemed prosecutors to duty.
    8. Thus, it will be clarified by law whether SADAT Defense or some members of SADAT committed any crime or not.
    9. Our law firm has applied to the prosecutor's office with the following criminal complaint.
  • About SADAT International Defense Consulting Construction Industry and Trade Inc. and Mr. Adnan TANRIVERDİ, on the website on 09/10/2018 at the link: cikmaz-politika-ekim-2018-3 ' the news entitled "NO SOLUTIONS FROM THIS TEAM" and on 10/10/2018 entitled "NO SOLUTIONS COMMITTEES" were published, where expressions were used in this unrealistic news, which include defamation of the commercial reputation and abuse of personal rights.

    These articles were written without researching the facts and without actually knowing about this subject. Unrealistic news was made that undermines the company's commercial reputation, honor and dignity, and attacks on its human rights. It is obvious that the news, which is clearly made for defamation by targeting the President and the legitimate government through our company and its founder, is completely fictitious.

  • Founder of Sadat and Chief Advisor to the Presidency, Adnan Tanrıverdi, responded to the allegations about SADAT, by Kübra Par's news in Habertürk Newspaper.

    Serious allegations were surfaced against the International Defense Consultancy company (SADAT), form a long while. Some suggest that the AK Party has paramilitary power; some say "armed civilians clashed with the military on the evening of 15 July were their ones", some "Decree Law, that brings judicial exemption to civilians was issued for SADAT", and some say "opposition groups in Syria are trained by SADAT, and even they themselves are fighting there". To ask about all these allegations, I met with Mr. Adnan Tanrıverdi, founder of SADAT and Chief Presidential adviser, at SADAT's headquarters in Beylikdüzü. Mr.Tanrıverdi denied the allegations of militia power. The Ideals were to offer military consultancy services to the official armies of Islamic countries, as provided by US companies, but they currently only served with 7 employees in one country. He says that there is not any activity in Türkiye. He also clearly opposes the formations such as the People's Special Operations...

  • A lawsuit was filed due to the slander against our company of Ragıp Çiçen, who claimed to be a sculptor, and at the first stage, it was decided to stop accessing the video he published that contained his lies.

    Despite our request for YouTube video sharing site and clear slander.

    the site provided support to the lie by reporting it would not remove the video without a court judgment.

    Considering that the claims are not based on any concrete evidence and that they violated personal rights, The judiciary imposed blocked access to the video in according to Article 9 of Law No. 5651 related to publications published on the Internet and crimes committed with these Publications.

    We are still following the legal procedures about the sculptor Ragıp Çiçen.

  • 28 Şubat Postmodern Darbesi

    CIA-NATO çetesi 90’lı yılların başında Ilımlı İslam Projesi kapsamında Türkiye’de Laik – Seküler kesimi kamusal alanda “İslam’ı çağrıştıracak tüm sembollerin yasaklanması ve kamu görevlerinde Müslümanların görev almasına son verilmesi”nin zamanının geldiğine ikna etti.[i]

    Böylelikle bir taşla iki kuş vurulacaktı;

    1)     Vatansever Müslüman halk devlet yönetiminden hem siyaset hem de bürokrasi alanında tecrit edilecekti. Refah partisinin kapatılması… İrtica suçlaması ile fakat yargılamadan memuriyetten çıkarmalar ile 2000’lerin başına kadar çok ciddi kıyımlara imza atıldı.

    2)     CIA’in 70’lerden beri hazırladığı FETÖ’ye; silahlı kuvvetler, polis teşkilatı, MİT, yargı, milli eğitim başta olmak üzere tüm alanlarda (başta kamusal alandan atılan Müslüman kesimin yerine olmak üzere) kadrolara yerleşme imkânı doğacaktı. Laik – Seküler kesimle işbirliği yapan FETÖ irtica yaftası yapıştırarak atılanlardan boşalan kadrolara maharetle kendi elemanlarını yerleştirdi.

    Kısaca 28 Şubat olarak anılan postmodern darbe mütedeyyin kesimde ciddi travmalara sebep olurken, Laik – Seküler kesimin zafer sarhoşluğundan acı ile uyanması da çok uzun sürmedi. Balyoz ve Ergenekon gibi davalarla FETÖ tarafından TSK’dan tahliye edilmeye başlandılar. Yani elleri ile büyüttükleri yılan onları da sokmaya başlamıştı.

    Dine ve dindarlara her daim düşman olan Laik – Seküler camia Türkiye Cumhuriyeti devletinin vatandaşlarının büyük çoğunluğunu oluşturan mütedeyyin kesimin kendilerine düşmanlık beslemediğini hiç bir zaman idrak edemedi.

  • A compensation lawsuit was opened against the 21. Yüzyıl Institute, because it did not publish our denial writing regarding the slander in its publication dated July 3, 2017.

  • The compensation lawsuit was filed against slanders of Ümit Özdağ on Oda TV on June 29, 2017 and at the 21. Yüzyıl Institute on July 3, 2017.

  • A request to stop access to the content in the Sözcü Newspaper published on January 2, 2018, which includes "Training camps in Konya and Tokat" was made because they did not publish our (denial) clarifications we sent

  • Michael Rubin officer of Pentagon (although he does not know) still continues to tweet about SADAT in Turkish.

    Our company carries out a lot of strategic studies in order to achieve joint defense organization and defense industry production in Islamic countries in the international arena.

    SADAT's strategic efforts which are not in line with the interests of countries, that allege dominate the world and carry out the task of international gendarmerie, such as United States of America. Instead of being directly hampered, they are distorting their reputation and showing that they are linked to terrorism.

  • 26.06.2017 tarihinde, Erk ACARER tarafından “BİRGÜN.NET’’de yazılan “ORDUDA VE YARGIDA SADAT’ başlıklı yazıda, SADAT Savunma ve Kurucusu Adnan TANRIVERDİ aleyhine bir çok YALAN VE İFTİRA yayınlanmıştı. Şirketimizin faaliyetleri hakkında tamamen kurgu haberler yazarak algı oluşturmayı amaçlayan yazar aleyhinde 04.07.2017 tarihinde açtığımız tazminat davası 24.02.2021 tarihinde sonuçlanmış ve müfteri yazar toplamda 10.000 TL manevi tazminat ödemeye mahkum edilmiştir.



  • SADAT Savunma kurulduğundan beri hakkında pek çok spekülasyon oluşturuldu. 2021 yılının ilk haftalarında yani kuruluşunun üzerinden dokuz yıl geçmesine rağmen benzer spekülasyonların oluşturulmaya devam ettiği görülmektedir. Önce SADAT Savunma ne yapar buna bakmakta fayda var.

    SADAT Savunma Ne İş Yapar?

    SADAT Savunma kurulduğu günden itibaren internet sitesi üzerinden ne iş yaptığını açık olarak ifade etmektedir.

    SADAT Savunma Uluslararası alanda Silahlı Kuvvetlerin ve İç Güvenlik Güçlerinin organizasyonu amacıyla, stratejik danışmanlık, özel savunma ve güvenlik eğitimleri ile donatım alanlarında hizmet vererek, İslam Ülkeleri arasında savunma ve savunma sanayi işbirliği ortamı oluşturmak ve İslam Dünyasının kendine yeterli bir askeri güç olarak da Dünya Süper Güçleri arasında hak ettiği yeri almasına yardımcı olmak misyonuna sahiptir. (

    Hizmet verdiği ülkelere yönelik jeopolitik duruma uygun tehdit değerlendirmeleri yaparak, bu değerlendirme ışığında ülke savunması ve iç güvenliğinin temini amacıyla en etkin ve modern ihtiyaçları karşılayacak şekilde Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin ve İç Güvenlik Güçlerinin organizasyonunu sağlamak vizyonu ile hareket etmektedir. (

    SADAT Savunma bu misyon ve vizyon çerçevesinde hareket eden Türk Ticaret Kanunu’na göre kurulmuş çok ortaklı bir Anonim Şirkettir. Tam adı “SADAT Uluslararası Savunma Danışmanlık İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi” olup 28 Şubat 2012 tarih ve 8015 sayılı ticaret sicil gazetesinin 825nci sayfasında tescili ilan olunmuş Ticaret Sicil No 809300 ve Mersis No 0736057798100014 dür.

    Bu kapsamda SADAT Savunma Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’ne dost ve müttefik ülkelerin Silahlı Kuvvetleri (söz konusu devletlerin resmi ordularını kastediliyor) ve Polis Teşkilatlarına Stratejik Danışmanlık (reorganizasyon ve modernizasyon), Özel Eğitimler ve Donatım hizmetleri olmak üzere 3 ana koldan hizmet sunmaktadır. (

    Şekil 1 Hizmet Başlıklarımız

    Müşterileri için 2012’den beri stratejik danışmanlık, eğitim, donatım alanlarında projeler oluşturarak pazarlama çalışmalarını yürütmektedir.

  • They Set Up Turnkey Armies

    Can you imagine?
    Someone goes on and saying that "I will teach to kill men with the assassination, to organize sabotage, to perform the measure (terror) movements.”
    They are clearly banging the drums and saying, "I will commit crimes and I will teach to commit crimes.”
    Not only that, but they also apply to establish a company.
    They say to themselves, "OK, you are licensed to do these things.”
    They are so fearless, you would be surprised. They wander without a stick ..
    Is this because of their purity, or because of their most excused appearance?
    They certainly say, "time is our time.”
    They announced all of their talents on official websites without any hesitation.
    Their activities are not limited to irregular War.
    Light weapons are a simple thing for them. They even provide missile, tank, aircraft, warship training.
    They say we teach land, sea, and air operations.
    They re-organize the armies.

  • We made an application to stop access and denial the news titled "Erdoğan is trying to do this for the Turkish army with SADAT" published by Oda TV. The court saw in situ our request to stop access, as the news contained insults and violations of personal rights.

    We announce to the public opinion with respect.

  • We have been aware that everything changed very quickly in the world for a while now, however, are countries ready for this much fast change. What does Türkiye live in itself at this process? The question is right here. We have been sleeping and getting up with Covid-19 for days on end. Beside the equilibrium of the world, here where we say that our psychology is broken...

  • The court decided to block accessing to the slanders signed by Erk Acarer in Birgü newspaper when they had not published our news-related answers.

  • About SADAT International Defense Consulting Construction Industry and Trade Inc. and its founder Mr. Adnan TANRIVERDİ, on the T24 website at the link ''çankaya-koskunu-kullanacak,724248'' in the published article titled ''Presidential of the Republic Policy Board Members will use the Çankaya Mansion'' slanderous statements incompatible with facts, were used for the purpose of defamation. The news at issue is in the article, ''In the relevant news article includes names such as Adnan TANRIVERDİ, the founder of SADAT, Yiğit BULUT, and Hülya KOÇYİĞİT, who came to the agenda with the burning of villages in Lice.'' There has been slander and defamation that has nothing to do with the truth, that the perpetrator of the burning of villages in Lice was our company.

  • Adnan Tanrıverdi gave an interview to the Posta Newspaper about the establishment of SADAT Defense Company, the activities it made, and the false news that was published about the company in the media.