agence france-presse

  • SADAT Savunma, devletlerin silahlı kuvvetleri ve iç güvenlik teşkilatlarına stratejik danışmanlık, özel eğitimler ve lojistik hizmetler sunan özel bir şirkettir. SADAT Savunmanın yürüttüğü faaliyetlerin klasik iş piyasasındaki karşılığı; stratejik yönetim danışmanlığı, kurumsal kapasite artırımı için reorganizasyon, rehabilitasyon, modernizasyon ve özel eğitim hizmetleri kapsamına girmektedir.

    SADAT Savunma devletlerin savunma ve güvenlik alanında etkin ve stratejik planlama ile kapasitesini yeniden inşa ederek, mevcut askeri kapasitenin eksiksiz kullanılmasına ve imkanlar dahilinde kapasitenin artırılmasına hizmet ederek, barış ortamının garanti altına alınmasına katkı sağlamakta ve savaş için caydırıcı rol oynayacak mühendislik çalışmaları yürütmektedir.

  • Fransa neyin peşinde?

    Agence France Presse – AFP ve arkasından Le Monde olmak üzere önemli bazı Fransız haber ajansları Mayıs ayından bu yana SADAT’ın paramiliter faaliyetler yürüttüğüne dair gerçek dışı haberler yayınladılar. Haberler pek çok haber kanalı tarafından da tüm dünyada yayınlandı. Haber SADAT’ın 1.000 civarında Suriyeli paramiliteri Nijer’e altın madeni güvenliği için götürdüğü / ödeme yaptığı benzeri iddialar içeriyor. Halbuki paramiliter faaliyetler yürütmediğimizi, faaliyet alanımızın askeri danışmanlık ve eğitim hizmetleri olduğunu 12 yıldır defalarca da deklare etmiş olmamıza rağmen bu haberler yapıldı.

    Ajanslar haberi gerçekliğini SADAT’a sormadan yaptı. Basının objektiflik prensibi hiçe sayıldı. Afrika’dan adını açıklamak istemeyen dostlarımız arayarak ve gönderdikleri mesajlar ile “ajansların talimat aldığını, önemli olanın gerçeği ortaya çıkarmak değil algı oluşturmak” olduğunu iddia ettiler. “Fransa ajanslara verdiği bu talimat ile neyi hedefliyor?” sorusunu sormadan edemedim. Adını vermek istemeyen kaynaklar bir çırpıda iddialarını saydı döktüler.

  • We were interviewed by many magazines, newspapers and agencies in May about the false news about our company that appeared in French news agencies. Below are our answers to the questions asked by Julien El Hajj from BBC World Service Languages.

    Dear Julien El Hajj

    عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.

    BBC World Service Languages

    Thank you for your interest in our company. If we had enough time, I would like to answer your questions more comprehensively. Please do not hesitate to ask more if you deem necessary.

    Although there are many news stories about our company, 90% of them are made without contacting us and without investigating the truth of the matter. Therefore, such news contains completely unrealistic claims. For this reason, I would like to emphasize that I find it admirable that you display real journalistic behavior, compared to the news that some French news agencies have made without questioning its reality.

    First of all, I would like to give information about SADAT's field of activity and facts about SADAT;

    SADAT Defense, provides consultancy, training and logistics services to armed forces and security forces in the field of defense and security according to the Turkish Commercial Code. SADAT was founded in 2012 by Retired General Adnan TANRIVERDİ as a commercial entity with the status of a Incorporated Company.

  • We were interviewed by many magazines, newspapers and agencies about the false news about our company that appeared in French news agencies in May. Below are our answers to the questions asked by Matteo Giusti from L'Espresso.

    Mr. Matteo Giusti


    Thank you for your interest in our company. I have tried to answer your questions as comprehensively as possible. Please feel free to ask more questions if you feel the need.

    There are many news stories about our company, but 90% of them are made without contacting us and without investigating the truth of the matter. Therefore, such news stories contain completely untrue claims. For this reason, I would like to emphasize that I find your behavior as a real journalist admirable, compared to the news stories that some French news agencies have published without questioning their truth.

    Moving on to your questions;

    1) When and for what purposes was SADAT born?

    SADAT Defense was established in 2012 by Retired General Adnan TANRIVERDİ to provide consultancy, training and logistics services to the armed forces and security forces in the field of defense and security; It is a commercial entity with the status of a Incorporated Company according to the Turkish Commercial Code.

    Adnan Tanrıverdi resigned from the management of the company in 2016, as he was appointed as the Senior Advisor to the Presidency of Turkish Republic and a member of the Security and Foreign Policy Board.

    I find it useful to explain some of the issues in this sentence. Because SADAT Defense is a company with ethical values, operating in accordance with its founding philosophy, and having a mission and vision.

  • SADAT Defense is a private company that provides strategic consultancy, special training and logistics services to the armed forces and internal security organizations of states. The equivalent of the activities carried out by SADAT Defense in the classical labour market; It falls within the scope of strategic management consultancy, reorganization, rehabilitation, modernization and special training services for institutional capacity increase.

    SADAT Defense contributes to guaranteeing a peaceful environmentby rebuilding the capacity of states in the field of defense and security with effective and strategic planning, serving to fully utilize the existing military capacity and increasing the capacity within the possibilities, and carries out engineering studies that will play a deterrent role in war.

  • What is France pursuing?

    Agence France Presse – AFP and then Le Monde, have published false news about SADAT carrying out paramilitary activities since May. The news was broadcast by many news channels all over the world. The news includes similar claims that SADAT took/paid around 1,000 Syrian paramilitaries to Niger for gold mine security. However, these news were made despite the fact that we have declared many times for 12 years that we do not carry out paramilitary activities and that our field of activity is military consultancy and training services.

    Agencies made the news without asking SADAT about its authenticity. The principle of objectivity of the press was disregarded. Our friends from Africa, who did not want to give their names, called and sent messages claiming that "the agencies received instructions and that the important thing is not to reveal the truth but to create perception ".I couldn't help but ask the question “What does France aim for with this instruction given to the agencies?”. The sources, who did not want to be named, stated their claims in one fell swoop.

    An African friend of mine, who did not want to give his name, said:

  • ما الذي تخطط له فرنسا؟

    منذ مايو/ أيار، نشرت العديد من وكالات الأنباء الفرنسية الكبرى، بما في ذلك وكالة الأنباء الفرنسية، تليها صحيفة لوموند، تقارير كاذبة عن أنشطة صادات شبه العسكرية. كما تم بث الخبر في جميع أنحاء العالم من قبل العديد من القنوات الإخبارية. يحتوي التقرير الإخباري على مزاعم بأن شركة صادات أرسلت حوالي 1000 من القوات العسكرية السورية إلى النيجر لتأمين مناجم الذهب. على الرغم من أننا أعلنا مرارًا وتكرارًا على مدار 12 عامًا أننا لا نقوم بأنشطة عسكرية وأن مجال عملنا هو الاستشارات العسكرية وخدمات التدريب.

    لكن وكالات الإخبارية نشروا الخبر من دون أن يسألوا صادات. تم تجاهل مبدأ موضوعية الصحافة. أصدقاؤنا من أفريقيا، الذين لم يرغبوا في الكشف عن أسمائهم، اتصلوا وأرسلوا رسائل زعموا فيها أن "الأجهزة تلقت تعليمات وأن المهم ليس كشف الحقيقة بل خلق ادعاء كاذب". "ما الذي تهدف إليه فرنسا من هذه التعليمات الموجهة للوكالات؟"  لم يسعني إلا أن أطرح السؤال. وصرحت المصادر، التي طلبت عدم الكشف عن هويتها، بادعاءاتها دفعة واحدة.