
  • A Visit to the al-Quds al-Sharif that is Full of Spirituality

    The second mosque of the earth, the first qibla of Muslims and the third holy mosque in virtue, the starting point of the Ascension of the Prophet (PBUH), the Al- Aqsa Mosque, where the Prophet (PBUH) led prayers as an imam, is the home of the sacred places of the heavenly religions and in which tens of thousands of prophets have been buried  It was our chance to visit the Holy al-Quds, which was under the rule of Muslims for 12 centuries, the last four centuries were under Ottoman administration. 

    We spent four days full of spirituality.

    After a two-hour flight from Istanbul, we landed at Tel Aviv Airport with a 160-person Tour Organization with 23 distinguished ASDER members. We reached the holy Quds after an hour-long land trip.  We prayed our Friday prayer at the Al-Aqsa mosque, also known as Haram Al-Sharif, it has the Dome of the Rock, surrounded by walls and an area of one hundred and forty thousand square meters, which can be reached from 17 different gates, the Qibla Mosque, with a capacity of 5000 people, the entire open area of the Mervan Mosque, despite of heavy rain, it was full of people.

    On our first and second day, we visited the sites in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa mosque, which are considered sacred to the Muslims, Christians, and Jews; on the third day, the tombs of the Prophets and their holy places in the cities of Jericho, Hebron, and Bethlehem; on the fourth day, before returning by plane, we visited Jaffa to see the traces of the Ottoman in the city.

    It was a late visit for me. If I had not been encouraged and had not received an offer, who knows how late I would have been. I am grateful to those who caused it.

    This visit had two aspects for me. The first is the spiritual aspect that fills our hearts, and the second is political aspect which reminds us of our responsibility towards Muslims.

  • Davos Outflow Is the Beginning of a New Process

    In Davos, from the mouth of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Türkiye has announced that it is the guardian of the oppressed and that it is prepared to protect the law of the Islamic World.
    The attitude we miss was exhibited in Davos.
    The reaction given was worthy of the world-leader countries.

    The comments of the silly people, cannot show wrong this historic event.
    Our external representatives should have more personality.
    Our people must first, understand the strength and importance of Türkiye.
    Israel received the reaction it had not seen in the world from Prime Minister Mr.Tayyip Erdoğan.
    Considerable determination and weight have been put as much as activating the military force against Israel.
    Israel will not be able to act recklessly anymore.
    It will not be able to continue its carnages.
    Türkiye's warnings will be taken into consideration more.
    Türkiye's determination has been explained in a manner that it understands.




    Everything has a point of satisfaction. The point of satisfaction in wars, where victory turns into defeat, it is the last point at which attack, or defense can be sustained. Leaders and competent commanders plan a ceasefire and peace before they reach this point.

    The Jewish population in Israel is about four million people. The male population of the military age can be up to 700 thousand. The number of the military staff in the army is about 500 thousand. If all his reserves are obliged to summon them to the task, no one is left at home and at work. It cannot continue this situation for a long time.

    The war strategy it has implemented so far is to rapidly seize its targets by attacking with the armored units in its dominant form and in its intense air support, allowing UN and western countries to enter as they approach this stage, making a ceasefire without breaking the pace of their combat.

  • We were interviewed by many magazines, newspapers and agencies in May about the false news about our company that appeared in French news agencies. Below are our answers to the questions asked by Julien El Hajj from BBC World Service Languages.

    Dear Julien El Hajj

    عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.

    BBC World Service Languages

    Thank you for your interest in our company. If we had enough time, I would like to answer your questions more comprehensively. Please do not hesitate to ask more if you deem necessary.

    Although there are many news stories about our company, 90% of them are made without contacting us and without investigating the truth of the matter. Therefore, such news contains completely unrealistic claims. For this reason, I would like to emphasize that I find it admirable that you display real journalistic behavior, compared to the news that some French news agencies have made without questioning its reality.

    First of all, I would like to give information about SADAT's field of activity and facts about SADAT;

    SADAT Defense, provides consultancy, training and logistics services to armed forces and security forces in the field of defense and security according to the Turkish Commercial Code. SADAT was founded in 2012 by Retired General Adnan TANRIVERDİ as a commercial entity with the status of a Incorporated Company.

  • We were interviewed by many magazines, newspapers and agencies about the false news about our company that appeared in French news agencies in May. Below are our answers to the questions asked by Matteo Giusti from L'Espresso.

    Mr. Matteo Giusti


    Thank you for your interest in our company. I have tried to answer your questions as comprehensively as possible. Please feel free to ask more questions if you feel the need.

    There are many news stories about our company, but 90% of them are made without contacting us and without investigating the truth of the matter. Therefore, such news stories contain completely untrue claims. For this reason, I would like to emphasize that I find your behavior as a real journalist admirable, compared to the news stories that some French news agencies have published without questioning their truth.

    Moving on to your questions;

    1) When and for what purposes was SADAT born?

    SADAT Defense was established in 2012 by Retired General Adnan TANRIVERDİ to provide consultancy, training and logistics services to the armed forces and security forces in the field of defense and security; It is a commercial entity with the status of a Incorporated Company according to the Turkish Commercial Code.

    Adnan Tanrıverdi resigned from the management of the company in 2016, as he was appointed as the Senior Advisor to the Presidency of Turkish Republic and a member of the Security and Foreign Policy Board.

    I find it useful to explain some of the issues in this sentence. Because SADAT Defense is a company with ethical values, operating in accordance with its founding philosophy, and having a mission and vision.




    It is understood that the world agenda will be occupied by the Palestinian issue for a long time.

    • The election of a person of different origins as the President of the United States, which is trying to get out of the economic crisis in the new period, by leaving the pro-violence foreign policy of the United States, to convey messages that it wants to develop its policies that are based on softer relations with the Islamic World and Middle East Countries;
    • Israel's attempt at genocide in GAZA, which began on December 27, 2008, and continued slowly on January 18, 2009;
    • During the parliamentary elections and election propagandas in Israel on 10 February 2009, the promises made by leading political parties to destroy HAMAS, the builder of the resistance in GAZA, which constitutes the Palestinian legitimate government;
    • 27 Ağustos 2024 tarihinde Sözcü Gazetesi – Saygı Öztürk tarafından yazılan “BM Raporu: SADAT, ambargoyu deldi 5 bin Suriyeliyi Libya’da eğitti!” başlıklı bir haber yayınlandı.

      6 Temmuz 2020 tarihinde BM Libya Yaptırımları Komitesi Uzmanlar Paneli (Bilirkişi Heyeti) şirketimize bilgi talebi içeren bir yazı göndermiştir. Yazıda özetle Libya konusunda BM’nin ambargosu ve yaptırımlarının söz konusu olduğu, SADAT’ın bu yaptırımları deldiğine dair bazı gazete haberleri üzerine konuyu araştırdıklarını ve Libya’daki faaliyetlerimizi raporlamamızı talep etmişlerdir. Şirketimiz 29 Temmuz 2020 tarihli cevabi yazısında Libya’da yürüttüğü güncel bir faaliyet olmadığını dolayısıyla Libya Hükümeti veya hükümet dışı her hangi bir yapıya eğitim vermediğini, 2012-2013 yıllarında yürüttüğü faaliyetlerinde ambargo kapsamına girmediğini bildirmiştir.


      Press release 

      Wall Street Journal the Middle East Correspondent, Rory Jones, in his e-mail dated December 15, 2023, sent to our company, in order to use it in a story they prepared to be published in the newspaper, He asks whether SADAT's supports HAMAS.

      SADAT International Defense Consultancy Construction Industry and Trade Inc is a private company that provides strategic consultancy, special military training and logistics services to the armed forces and police departments of states. The company meticulously conducts all these services in compliance with international regulations. Therefore, our Company does not operate in conflict zones. The fundamental philosophy of our company is to contribute to the development in the fields of defense and defense industry cooperation by producing projects that support increase of capacity for maintaining a peaceful environment.

    • We interviewed many magazines, newspapers and agencies about the false news about our company that appeared in French news agencies in May. Our answers to the questions of Simon Marks from Bloomberg are below.

      Dear Simon Marks

      عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.

      Bloomberg / Newsroom

      Thank you for your interest in our company. I will try to provide comprehensive answers to the questions you ask. Please do not hesitate to ask more if you deem necessary.

      Although there are many news stories about our company, 90% of them are made without contacting us and without investigating the truth of the matter. Therefore, such news contains completely unrealistic claims. For this reason, I would like to emphasize that I find it admirable that you display real journalistic behavior, compared to the news that other French news agencies have made without questioning its reality.

      First of all, I would like to give information about SADAT's field of activity and facts about SADAT;

      SADAT Defense, provides consultancy, training and logistics services to armed forces and security forces in the field of defense and security according to the Turkish Commercial Code. SADAT was founded in 2012 by Retired General Adnan TANRIVERDİ as a commercial entity with the status of a Incorporated Company.